Our Thanksgiving was perfectly lovely! Truthfully I was thinking of taking the family to Chuck-A-Rama like we did a couple of years ago when only Monica, John and Isabella were joining us. The variety of foods was a big hit for everyone and the quality of the food was better than I remembered, Chuck-A-Rama was one of George's Dad's favorite places. He made sure to get his money's worth by piling his plate high and even stuffing rolls in his pockets.
My original plan changed when Matt told us that he was not going to Wyoming with Cady to her Grandmother's 90th birthday because he knew we would be in Peru next Thanksgiving and he wanted to spend this one with us. When I heard that I knew I had to fix a traditional meal with all the foods we love.
And that is what I did!
Turkey, dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, fruit salad and rolls.
Followed by cherry and pumpkin pie with lots of whipped cream for dessert!
Served on the china my Daddy bought in Occupied Japan with the silver that was once my mother's, the water glasses that belonged to my great grandmother and George's mother's bread bowl.
A multi generational table setting.
Isabella did the centerpiece and also helped with dinner preparations.
I googled 'best mashed potatoes' and found a recipe that called for a 2 sticks of butter for 5 pounds of potatoes. Isabella cut them into small pieces and added them to the potatoes. I told her to count to 20 between each addition and she very carefully did just that.
And the potatoes were definitely the best ever....tons of butter tends to make everything 'the best'.
I love these people more than I can adequately express.
Sure glad they are mine!
We followed this advice.
And we don't even feel guilty!