Sunday, August 9, 2009


John is home to visit us for a couple of weeks before he goes back to school at the University of Utah in Salt Lake. It is so fun to have him around. We've been playing cards and he is convinced that I cheat and don't shuffle properly! Not true! He has agreed to help me with a major cleaning of the garage on Wednesday! Maybe I should let him win some card games just to keep him in a good mood!

Notice how he is holding onto the dog to have her stay in the picture.

This is what happens as soon as she is loose from his grip. She hates the camera so much that she is willing to go inside as soon as she realizes that we have it in hand! What a funny dog!


  1. So nice that John could come for a nice long visit! Are you getting out on your boat? Are you going to ED Week?

  2. WE have only taken the boat out twice. I hope we'll go while Johnny is here. I'm not going to Education Week. My vacation this year was Girl's Camp!

  3. Girls camp is a wonderful vacation! Nothing to make one feel younger than spending time with cute fun YW!
