Sunday, February 21, 2010


I've been looking through all our travel pictures. Oh, it really makes me want to go somewhere!

I'm reminded that one of the best ways to get to know a country is to visit its markets. I loved taking visitors to the grocery store and market in Barcelona. So I wanted a share a few pictures of markets we have visited around the world.

Spice market in Dubai

Pisac, Peru

Unlike some markets, this one was not just for the tourists. Families were there shopping for their produce! But some were obviously selling things for the foreign visitors.

I bought a few of these intricately carved gourds from this women. She told me that her whole family carved them.


I like the old scale in the middle of the picture.

The baskets of flowers in the middle of the picture near the post are especially made to be given as daily offerings in the many altars you see all over Bali. There was always one on the front console of our bus. With the wild traffic there, I'll take all the help I can get!

Hong Kong

Fresh fish market

Beijing Silk Market

Aswan, Egypt

This one makes me smile! Notice the two bewildered looking tourists being accosted by TWO enthusiastic salesmen!!

Spice shop in Aswan

I will always remember the smell of all those exotic spices!

Cairo, Egypt
Khan el Khalili Market
Narrow winding passages, medieval architecture, silver, brass, hookah pipes, carpets...... A maze of shops with few tourists! I will admit that I felt conspicuously FOREIGN!
Anyone want to go on a trip with me? India in October????