Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring is coming!

I know spring is on the way because:

WE tilled the garden!

Goose couples are all around the neighborhood. So soon little goslings will make their appearance!

And there are some flowers in my yard!

Wahoo! Spring is just around the corner!


  1. Looks great -- sorry I wasn't there to help! :-)

  2. You commented!!!! I feel loved!! Thanks!

  3.'ve been busy. I'm impressed that you can run the rototiller. It's a big, powerful machine...scares me! Can't wait to see what you grow. So excited for spring!! :3

  4. What are you going to plant? I LOVE the smell of newly tilled dirt. There is something so fresh, clean and good about it. So happy you have some dirt to till and some handsome boys to help you!

  5. Tami, I didn't actually till the garden!!! Hee Hee! I just held it for a minute for a photo! Matt tilled the garden. I was again using the 'royal' we!! He has three different kinds of tomatoes started in the house.....I think his plans are for a salsa garden. Tomatoes, peppers, onion, and cilantro! it is a little garden!
