Thursday, January 23, 2014

Two Cars on the Road to Hana

To quote from our Guide Book, "The road to Hana is without question the most famous and desired drive in all Hawaii, the crown jewel of driving.  It's been compared to driving through the Garden of Eden, a slow winding road though a lush paradise that you always knew existed-somewhere."  
The road is two lanes with LOTS of one lane bridges.  Most tourist literature says that there are 600 turns, although I don't know how you count.  The road is just about never straight.  For our 'motion-sickness' prone family to consider it the 'Garden of Eden' or 'paradise', there was only one way to go - slowly in open air vehicles!  Three of us enjoyed the convertible.
Scott drove the open topped jeep.
Of course we stopped for lunch at one of our favorite places Ken-anae Peninsula.
 Gotta love those crashing waves!
 Three of my handsome guys.
Behind Mary is a very pretty waterfall but you have to really search to see it in this photo.
 Scott gets a little love from Mom and sister!
The consensus from the boys - "Mark that one off the bucket list.  Don't need to do it again ever."  This was Mary's 2nd time.  When she was a Freshman in college and we lived in Spain she came to Maui with George's brother and sisters for Thanksgiving and they took the road to Hana.  Just to give you a clue how winding it is, Aunt Karen got really car sick and she was driving!  George and I have done it multiple times but as we were driving back to our hotel on Kananapali Beach, we decided that we didn't need to do it again.  But I bet we will.  Seems like we never have time to see everything we would like to see….so I am pretty sure there will be a next time for us.

1 comment:

  1. What a great trip! I loved seeing all the beautiful pictures.
