Monday, May 8, 2023

Long Live King Charles

Ok I admit it!  I was one of those people who stayed up all night to watch the Coronation.  Truthfully I had been excited for weeks just thinking about the ceremony and the clothes and the cute kids so I just got comfortable on the couch and watched the preliminary documentaries and pre-coronation coverage.
And I loved every minute!
What a spectacular show!

I guess there is a part of me that wished it could have been the beautiful Diana being crowned.  
I wish that their marriage had been happy and that they had stayed married and in love until this day. 
both of them cheated in their marriage.

They separated in 1992 so 31 years ago.
They divorced in 1996 - 27 years ago.
And Diana died in 1997 so 26 years ago.

I would not have wanted Charles and Diana to have stayed all those years in a loveless marriage just for the sake of her becoming queen.  

Charles and Camilla have been in love for decades and married for 18 years.
She seems to work hard and be good at her job.
And most importantly of all, she supports and loves Charles.
That counts for something in my book.
Perfect people?  No of course not.
Things to be sorry for....many.
But 'he who is without sin, cast the first stone'.

The coronation ceremony was a deeply felt, religious experience.  I was impressed that King Charles said that he came not to be served but to serve.
So many references to grace and mercy and service.
He seemed genuinely moved by the experience.
The music was spectacular.
I was touched by the grandeur and the history behind all the elements.
Even at 5:00 in the morning!

A highlight for me had to be the Wales kids.

Prince George as a page to his Granddad the King. 
Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis walking so sweetly behind their parents.

Their behavior was impeccable.  Louis got a little restless but then 2 hours is a LONG time for a barely 5 year old to sit still and be quiet.  His nanny took him out for a planned break but he rejoined his family for the recessional. 

I am sure the Prince and Princess of Wales were so proud of their children. As they should be!
From all I read and have observed they are excellent parents. 

This coronation seems like a bookend to my life.  Daddy was in England for Queen Elizabeth's coronation in 1953 when I was born.  Now nearing the end of my life, I witness this one.  With a little luck, I may live to see Prince William and Catherine become King and Queen.
That would make me very happy.


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