Monday, August 12, 2024

School Shopping With Isabella

 Continuing the tradition, Isabella and I went clothes shopping at the mall again this year.  She is growing up and turning into a 'pre-teen', at least that is what she tells me!  Lots of things are 'boring' now which makes me kind of sad but I also know that it is normal.

Truthfully she reminded me a bit of shopping with Mary when she was this age and into her teenaged years.  Pulling out an outfit that I liked was the 'kiss of death' no matter how cute I thought it was!  Isabella decided that she would punch things that she didn't like.  With Mary it was more of an eye roll.

She loved the snacks we had at Wetzels Pretzels.  Our mall has 3 locations and there was a line at each of them.  Unfortunately they were out of our favorite 'pizza bitz' but the pepperoni pretzel is basically the same thing.  Must have been good since we ate the whole thing!

We topped it off with Strawberry Funnel Cake Bitz.  Delicious, especially for our strawberry loving girl. She also enjoyed the 'frozen strawberry lemonade' - just like in the photo!

Our shopping was as successful as our snacking!

I love all the fun clothes we found.
I think that Isabella and Monica did too.
The black sweatshirt was something that I liked and amazingly she did too.  The flowers reminded me of the stylized flowers that were popular during my teenage years. I had similar flowers on my bed spread.
However I won the 'Best Grandma Ever' award for one purchase.
A Taylor Swift shirt for our little Swiftie'.
Isabella starts 3rd grade on Wednesday.
If I were to guess, I'd say she will be wearing this Taylor shirt!

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