Saturday, February 14, 2009

New Blog

I love blogs. I follow a lot of them faithfully. Most are done by children of my friends who have sweet little kids who say amazing things. My baby is 21 and while I think my young adult children are cute & pretty entertaining, I'm not sure that most people would! I'm not living in some exotic place. I don't do wonderful crafts to share with the world. So I never thought I should do a blog. Then a couple of days ago I got a very strong and definite impression that I needed to start a blog. I don't know why. Maybe it is for my Mother who lives in Arkansas and likes to know what is going on with us. I don't know the reason but I'm trying to be obedient so here goes....if you want to you can share some of the moments of my life!


  1. yea! so glad you're using your tech-savvy skills:) it will be fun to catch up! Erin

  2. Hello Marilyn!
    Great, I will check your blog every so often too. Right now, there isn't much to tell out of BCN. As you remember this is the gloomy season: grey skies, cold, every so often some drops of rain, but not enough ... ha, and our Ashanti hates rain! The other day I ended up in one of the typical Spanish downpours with her ... oh boy, I almost had to carry her home ... but heck, I'm no longer fit enough to carry 30 kg up the hill from the village.
    Love Brigitta-Barcelona
