Monday, March 2, 2015

Thinking of Megan!

My friend Megan LOVES elephants.  While on safari in Kenya, her prayers to see lots of elephants, especially babies, totally trumped my prayers to see big cats.  We spent so much time photographing elephants that we missed the cheetahs that were in the area.  Oh well!  Elephants are pretty amazing.

I couldn't help but think of Megan when we were in Chiang Mai, Thailand recently at the Maesa Elephant Camp where not only did we see elephants but we:

Got elephant kisses!
FYI - Elephant snot smells like wet dog!  Not very pleasant but how often do you have elephant snot on your cheek?
And elephant hugs!
The whole time they are hugging you, their trunks are busy checking your pockets and purse to see if you have anything interesting and yummy!
In the wild, elephants sleep about 4 hours a day and spend the rest of the time eating.  I guess that explains why their trunks are always searching for food!  
He knew that at least some of those tourist waiting for a ride were hiding sugar cane and bananas!  If he could just somehow manage to reach the treats!
We watched an exciting elephant soccer game! Not exactly like watching FC Barcelona but I did yell 'Goooooooal'! when they scored!
How in the world do you teach an elephant to paint?
And here we are riding over the mountain on Ozzie, a 29 year old male who is 'very strong and smart' and has 'lots of girlfriends'!
 An unforgettable day that would have been fun to share with Megan!

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