Friday, June 14, 2024

Cancer Update

Thyroid Cancer - Healthy cells on the right and cancer craziness on the left.  This isn't from my tumor, it's just a photo I found on line.

 I've had an interesting little 'detour'  on my cancer 'journey'.  My calcitonin (the blood marker for Medullary Thyroid cancer) has remained relatively stable since my 2nd surgery in 2016.  I have been on 'Wait and Watch' with blood work every 6 months and a visit to my specialist in Portland with an ultrasound once a year.  In December my calcitonin went up from a stable 61 to 133.  That's a 72 point jump; more than doubling.  Studies have shown that the long-term prognosis of Medullary Thyroid Cancer depends on the rate at which the calcitonin level doubles.  Doubling in 6 months is a warning sign that the disease is progressing. Yes, I was nervous.

Dr. Madison decided to check the levels again in March and it was  179 - a 46 point jump so he added a Pet scan to my June visit but also gave orders for one more blood test at the end of May. I was definitely riding the anxiety train. 

Guess what?  The May test showed a drop of 104 points - right back down to near where it had been.
The PET scan and Ultrasound showed no new disease.

First question to Dr. Madison - what could cause a 100 point jump and a 100 point drop?????
Turns out that the culprit was......
I have had some mild stomach discomfort and was prescribed this to hopefully help.  I started taking in in November and stopped in early May since I couldn't really see that it helped all that much. Corresponds perfectly with my rise and fall in calcitonin.
I had no idea of this drug interaction.
Mystery solved!
Cancer is stable as it has been since after my 2nd surgery in 2016.

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