Wednesday, June 12, 2024

School's Out for Summer

Isabella is ready to conquer the world! Good-bye 2nd grade!

She finished with a bang - and a very nice award!
I love that she is responsible, respectful and hardworking!
Mrs. Northrup was once again her 'favorite' teacher....just like Mrs. Ciavarella in kindergarten and Mrs. Bauer in 1st grade!  
Having BFF Madison in her class added to her perfect year!
These girls are the Hulu hoop queens.  Isabella can keep the Hulu hoop going for 11 minutes!

For Jackson it was "Peace Out Preschool".
He has been at the same community preschool for 3 years and has had the same teachers.  Miss Julie, the head teacher adores him....and he reciprocates.  She is the teacher with the sunglasses. The other teacher is her assistant Ms. Madison.
Mary reports that Miss Julie says Jackson is kind to the other kids, answers questions, is well behaved, and well liked by everyone.
The real accomplishment is that she got him to wear his graduation cap!  That boy has never liked anything on his head. The cap says, "Adventure is out there."  So true!
A few of the kids in his preschool will also be attending kindergarten with him in August.
The cutoff date for kindergarten in West Virginia is August 1st and Jacksons 5th birthday was August 15th so he will be one of the oldest in his class.  That's always a good thing.

Next stops - Kindergarten and 3rd grade!
Proud of both of these cuties!


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