Monday, June 17, 2024

Father's Day 2024

Pictures of 4 of my favorite 'fathers'. 

My cousin Joy died a couple of years ago and her husband died last month.  When their children were cleaning out the house, they found this photo of my Daddy. that I had never seen before.

My guess is that this was taken in 1942, just after he joined the navy at the start of World War II.

This one is an oldie but a favorite of mine.
George and our boys rocking their new German hats in Berchtesgaden 1996.

And here is Mark with Jackson on their way to church.
Any questions about what kind of Dad Mark is can be answered by looking at the Paw Patrol sticker on his car window and his GI Joe tie!

Johnny and Monica always seem to have fun together. 
He makes her laugh and is willing to act silly and play with her.

And a funny Father's Day story - 
We played a 'Would He Rather?" game and tried to figure out which of two things George would rather do.
I have known George for 50 years and been married to him for 49.
Johnny and Matt are 39 and 43.
Cady has known him for less than 2 years.

Guess who won the game?  Yep Cady.  There were 17 questions and she got 16 correct.  The boys and I each got 12.  Either she is a very lucky guesser or she is just very intuitive. Glad she is a part of the family!

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