Friday, June 14, 2024

Portland in June = Heaven

 As I have said many times, I really do think that Heaven will look like Portland on a sunny day.

On this particular June day you could see both Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helens.

Of course our favorite sights were our dear friends.
Rich and Chris Marsee
And our dinner group friends 
Ron and Linda Matthews, Dave and Debby Lynn Day, Kathy and Kim Whitman, Martha Helmandollar, Allison and Phil Graham.
Being included in this dinner group, just after we had moved to Portland in 2010, really helped us develop friendships and feel a part of the ward.
I am so grateful for the invitation and happy that it is still going strong.

But best of all was spending time with Scott.  He's had a rough few months with some BIG kidney stones but he is back to normal now.
And thriving!
One of the amazing things about the big city of Portland is Forrest Park.  Right in the middle of the city there are 5,200 acres set aside for the native plants with more than 80 miles of hiking trails.  
We hiked up to Pittock Mansion.
George and I made the same hike back in July 2010, before I had moved to Oregon.
I have a hard time believing that it has been 14 years since then.
Time flies!

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