Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tower of Babel at 6:10 a.m.

Our class discussion early this morning was a learning experience for me.  We read  Genesis 11:1-9 about the Tower of Babel and then had a great discussion using hashtags and tweets!

A few of my favorite thoughts and hashtags:
  • #badbabelboys
  • instagram account for Babel @Nimrod_noGod
  • #yodudedenytruthblameothers (yo dude, deny truth, blame others)
  • #spreading sin
  • #followtheprophet
  • Principle we learned from this story - 'If we defy God, we lose his protection'.
  • In talking about the phrase in verse 6 "nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do" one boy said, "This shows the power of unity.  When we are united we can accomplish anything.  Too bad the people of Babel were united in doing something BAD."
  • #temporalfameisnoteternal
  • I love how they all got the idea that we can't make our own way to Heaven.  We have to rely on God and the atonement.  We can not escape from the consequences of sin without Jesus Christ.
I love these kids and all I learn from them! I am so blessed to start my day with them studying the Old Testament!

Holiday #23

Sweet Holiday, often called Holli, is our foster guide dog #23 - an active Guide Dog!  She's a love but unfortunately a call from the apartment manager let us know that this little girl barks when she is home alone.  We haven't left her alone much but of course, we have left her some and we can't have her disturbing the neighbors.  Tomorrow she goes back to Guide Dogs for the Blind.  She is just boarding there while the person she guides recovers from an accident.  Hopefully they will find another place for her to stay as she is not a fan of the kennels!  She'll be fine in a house with no neighbors below!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Here is where I have been......

No blog posts from me for more than a month because I have been consumed with seminary preparation.   I have taught for the past 4 years but this year there were big changes.  In our school district we have been given 'religious release time' which means that the Seminary class took up one period of the school day for our kids.  And since the high school operates on a block schedule, that meant a class every other day from 7:35 - 8:50.  This year the local church leadership felt strongly that the youth needed the added spiritual boost of seminary every day....SO we now have seminary every school day at 6:15! Five lessons to prepare each week!  My alarm goes off at 4:45 am!  And in case you are wondering I am a natural night owl not a morning person.  Yes it is hard but so far so good!  And amazingly the kids love it.  I have 21 students and 16 of them have perfect attendance 4 weeks in, with very few tardies!

Here's our closet all ready at the beginning of the year!
Our 'on the spot' board - I put a big yellow circle on one of the notebooks each day and at the end of class that person is 'on the spot' to share a thought that they will 'take away' from our lesson....and they have to do it in about 6 words!  Then I write their thought on a circle and put it on our board!
Job chart and first scripture mastery poster!  You might also notice our motto for the year
"Wake up and be awesome!"
And our theme for the year "With God all things are possible"!  Even getting up at 4:45 a.m. 5 days a week!!!
A perfect start to my day....and a great excuse for a daily nap!