Monday, July 14, 2014

A few other animals....

Here are a few other animals that we saw.....
A lone hippo in what was essentially a large mud hole

A male can tell the males because they are darker in color.  They sit on the nest at night and the dark color gives them better camouflage.  The females are more of a grey so they blend in better during the daytime hours when they sit on the nest.
The occasional giraffe...a group of them is called a tower!
Baboons.  The hotel had warning to latch your windows because the baboons loved to steal passports!  I can only imagine the mess a baboon would make in a hotel room! Yes we did see a troop of baboons.
Warthogs...a whole herd of them.  I just learned that a family group of warthogs is called a sounder!  And a group of hippos is a bloat!  Matt once asked me what you call a group of unicorns.  The answer, "A miracle."
Several zebra herds, including this cute baby!  A zebra herd is a zeal or a dazzle.
One of my new favorites....a gerenuk or a giraffe necked antelope!   This one was all by himself and not too far from where we saw the large pride of lions.  I hope he is fast, very fast! Perhaps he is just too little for a lion pride to bother with.  He would just be an appetizer! 

I just learned that many breeders of gerenuks have described them as being extremely humble animals, always helping fellow gerenuks.  In ancient African tribal tales, the gerenuk has been crowned 'Queen of Humbleness." And I just bought he was cute!

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