Sunday, February 27, 2011

And speaking of games...

I have never been any good at video games. I remember when Matt was about 8 years old he tried and tried to teach me how to play "Super Mario Brothers" on our first Nintendo. He stood in front of the TV with a pointer and tried to get me in the right places to jump and get something and I'd go too far or not far enough and we both just got frustrated. When John, Scott, and Matt were here last week, they decided we should have a family FIFA soccer tournament on John's Xbox. George and I played first and by some miracle I beat him. My next opponent was Scott. Now I don't even like to think of how many hours Scott has spent perfecting his skill at this game. He picked the worst team of all and I had one of the best, yet his players still ran circles around mine. It was embarrassing! Then John decided to be a helpful son. We both held the control and he told me when to shoot and when to pass. He did all the other complicated stuff. And I, or as I should say, We only lost by one goal

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