Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Rain Give Rainbows

Our week in Maui was a bit rainy.  Truthfully, I believe I could safely say that is was very rainy.  Most of the time the view from our window looked like, this still not too shabby!

My visions of spending days like this in the sun actually became days of relaxing in the rain. 
See those people huddled under their beach towels.  We would get all set up for an afternoon of relaxing by the pool and then the rain would start.  Optimistically, we would think that it was going to be a drizzle and try to wait it out and then the heavens would open to give us a tropical deluge.
I spent one whole afternoon on the couch in our room, under a blanket, reading.  Still it's not a bad place to be!

And as the Hawaiians say, "Without rain there are no rainbows."  Photos never quite show the true colors of a rainbow!
We talked to lots of people who were in Hawaii from the midwest where the temperatures were colder than Antarctica!  In some areas, considering the windchill, it was 50 below zero. No one was feeling sorry for us with a bit of rain in Maui.  It was actually quite a wonderful week.

Captain Steve's Whale Watching boat didn't disappoint.  We saw multiple breaches, a calf that was less than a week old, and even a competitive pod fighting over a female.  You could easily hear them slamming into each other.  Such power!  Definitely one of my favorite parts of a Hawaii trip.

Her tail is very distinctive.
In spite of the rain, Maui is still my HAPPY PLACE!

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