Sunday, September 6, 2020

Thankful for HOME 💜

I have continued to work for the 2020 Census since my adventures in northern Idaho.  Our state will be one of the first to be completely finished with the census.  The cases that are left are the particularly difficult ones.  Sometimes I am assigned a home that has refused to do the census multiple times.  Now we just ask for a count of how many people live there and call it good.  Other cases are in luxury apartment buildings with restricted access.  We are calling apartment managers and real estate agents, hoping to get at least a count of how many people live at the address.  With all the concerns about privacy these days, even getting that much is a challenge.

On my way home after a particularly challenging day when I was hot, tired, and hungry, I happened to notice a man crossing the road who appeared to be down on his luck and possibly homeless. My heart ached for him.

Next I got a rush of such gratitude. I was going home to a cool house.  There was food for dinner and a comfortable bed to sleep in.  And best of all, someone who loved me was waiting there.

I have had these blessings for all of my life and yet so often I take them for granted.  
I am a lucky woman and I should never forget that.
"It's not happiness that brings us gratitude; it is gratitude that brings us happiness."

The fortune cookie I got the next day after this experience said. "Your home is a pleasant place from which you draw happiness"

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