Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Leslie Gulch

For the 2nd year George and I went hiking on Memorial Day.  This year we drove across the border into Oregon to an area known as Leslie Gulch.
Named for Hiram Leslie, a local rancher who was hit by lightening and killed here in 1882, it has some unusual rock formations.
Reminded us a bit of some of the places we've hiked in Utah.
Just in case you didn't pay attention in geology class, or like me, had a very boring teacher, the rock is called tuff.  It's a type of rock made of volcanic ash ejected from a vent during a volcanic eruption.  Following ejection and deposition, the ash is fused together by heat into solid rock. 
Just as we were starting on the trail, in fact it was walking from the parking lot to the trail itself, I slipped on a gravel patch and sat down hard on my rear end.  Luckily the only thing that was hurt was my pride.  George was reminded of a story from his boyhood.  His family had been on a trip to the Badlands and Mount Rushmore and had been learning all about Sitting Bull.  As the family walked down a path, his mom also hit gravel and sat down hard.  She also wasn't hurt except for her feelings when her children laughingly referred to her as 'Sitting Cow'.  George did have the good sense not to remind me of this story until much later in the day! George also doesn't remember which of the kids came up with 'Sitting Cow'.  He says that it was something clever like he would have thought of but I think he secretly hopes that it was his brother John who gets credit or blame!

We enjoyed the spring flowers.

And just had a perfect day - even with my fall!
As always I think of the song, "I think the world is glorious and lovely as can be."

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