Monday, May 6, 2024

5 Year Old Jackson

 Our grandson Jackson is a delight!

Our 4 hour drive to Assateague Island, became a 6 hour drive due to the heavy traffic near Baltimore.  I don't know if the recent bridge accident added to the congestion.

Jackson was thrilled that we stopped at Chick-fil-a and Wendy's as we drove over. Chicken nuggets and fries at two places in 1 day.  He rated both with two thumbs up!

Wendy's even had a pretty fountain where he insisted on a photo.

After several years of not enjoying having his picture taken, he seems to like posing now.
With his extensive stuffy collection
Cutie by the stream
Bolivar Heights Battlefield canon
And with his favorite alien who he named Bobby. He can't figure out why he has a traffic cone on his head.  Good question Jackson!

He's perfected a new method of getting in and out of the car.  
No doors required!
In other adventures he loves 'off roading'!
Lots of log moving by Mom and Grandma involved!
Mark scored this sturdy 'off roading' tricycle at a neighborhood garage sale.
He practiced his sneaky photographer skills with my phone.
And totally loves all kinds of board games!
Many times he makes up the rules as he goes....rules that are always highly favorable to Jackson winning!
Last summer, he was afraid to go down this big slide.
Not this year!
I love this 5 year old bundle of energy!


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