Sunday, May 5, 2024

Crystal Grotto

Mark and Mary know all the most interesting places to visit.  As I have said many times, if your daughter lives on the other side of the country, then it is wonderful that she lives in a area with an unending list of things to see and do.

Crystal Grotto near Bonesboro, Maryland is billed as the 'most naturally kept cave in the world.' First opened in 1922, it has more natural phenomenon per square foot than any cave known to man.  
The crystals formed by calcium carbonate are six sided.  At the rate of one cubic inch every 100-150 years, trillions of these crystals add up to create a whole range of delicate formations. 
Those are some seriously old stalactites. 
Funny how being in a cave caused me to remember learning about caves in elementary school.  You can remember stalactites because they 'hang tight' from the top of the cave and stalagmites grow from the floor and you 'might' trip on them.
Jackson really enjoyed using the 'gem mill' to sift sand and look for gems.
The gems he found were all treasures!

We loved spending the day exploring with this cute family! 

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