Saturday, May 4, 2024

Washington DC

After Arkansas, George and I flew to Washington DC and spent a wonderful 10 days with Mary, Mark and Jackson in Harper's Ferry.  

On our first full day there, we drove into the city where we hoped to see the cherry blossoms in all of their glory around the tidal basin.  An unseasonable warm spring meant an very early peak bloom time but we did manage to see a few.

Even without the abundance of blossoms I saw last year, it was still fun to walk around the monuments.

A special favorite is the FDR memorial.
I love that they included his faithful dog, 
Mary in the soup line.
Jackson and the radio.  
My mother told me about listening to radio programs when she was a girl.  The whole family sat and listened together and when her grandfather, S E Webster, was tired of listening, he turned it off.  Didn't matter who else was still interested in the program.  
Jackson loves waterfalls.
A quick visit with Thomas Jefferson.
Jackson loved watching the fishermen.
A girl and her Dad!
First time visiting the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
Very impressive!
A highlight of the day was our visit to Ben's Chili Bowl, which has been operating on U street since 1958.
Jackson was a little tired.
Mary enjoyed her meal.
I sat in President Obama's favorite seat.  It seems that he was a regular.
The chili was great but my favorite was the banana pudding.
At $10.99 it had better be good and it is.
As good as my grandma used to make!
I did make two 'meals' out of it.
Jackson's favorite thing was the bear out front.  
Because of limited parking, we walked more than a mile to get there. I loved the neighborhood around U street.  There are lots of townhouses with little postage stamp sized yards.  Another area of DC that would be a fun place to live!

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