Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day

 One of the nice things about going through our thousands of slides is that I have a lot of new photos.  For Mother's Day, I thought I'd share a few of my favorite 'mothers' shots!

Can you tell this is from the 1980's? Frizzy hair!  Shoulder pads! The sweaters!  Even my earrings just scream 80's! 

Here is my mother the first time she held Mary.  Those two had a special bond that continued for all of my mother's life.  First grandchild and only granddaughter!

And here she is in 1987 with all four of her grandchildren.
Each one gave her so much happiness.
Of all the 1000s of slides I have scanned, this is one of my favorites!
Grandma Lewis reading to 1 year old Johnny.
My first time meeting Isabella.
Happiness is definitely being a grandmother!
And in love again!
Meeting Jackson for the first time.
The quote that our Relief Society shared with us today was
"You are something divine, more beautiful and glorious than you could possibly imagine." - Dieter F Uchtdorf

I think one could change the 'you are' to 'motherhood is' something divine, more beautiful and glorious than you could possibly imagine!



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