Monday, May 6, 2024

Assateague Island

Assateague Island has been on our 'West Virginia trips' bucket list for the last few years.  Finally we made it happen.  Having George along made it even better! Assateague National Seashore was established in 1943 to provide habitat for migratory birds.  The island is also home to a couple of herd of ponies.

Legend states that the ponies descended from Spanish horses shipwrecked off the Virginia coast on their way to Peru in the 16th century.  DNA studies of the horses and the existence of two sunken Spanish galleons give weight to this theory.  There are about 150 of them on the island.  Each July 50,000 visitors gather to watch mounted riders bring the herd from Assateague and swim them across the channel.  That would be something to see.  They are then sold and the profits go to the volunteer fire department.  In 2022, a record $240,000 was raised from the sale of 63 ponies.  

Naturally, Jackson needed his own pony, who he promptly named, "Spottie". 
This was Jackson's first time on the beach and he loved it.  Naturally, he had his construction vehicles in the car!

I think his favorite part of the trip was the hotel room.
That boy explored every drawer and closet and was thrilled that there were games to play in one cabinet!
George and I enjoyed spending time with our one and only favorite daughter!


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