Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ten Grands!

I was intrigued when I heard an advertisement for a "Ten Grands" concert. Ten grands! Ten pianists! Plus it was a fundraiser for the Snowman Foundation which 'brings music to all kids, regardless of socio-economic status, cultural background, gender, or race, with a focus on the underserved and those with the highest need." Sounded like a fun night and it was!
Some songs featured all ten pianists, some were duets or quartets. Each pianist performed a solo. The music varied from classical to jazz to tango to a wonderful tribute to Michael Jackson. The Michael Jackson piece was arranged by one of the youth helped by the foundation....a blind youth I should add!

The winners of their "Young Artist" awards played an arrangement of Coldplay's song Clocks. I didn't even know that I liked Coldplay!!!


  1. Sounds wonderful! What a great thing.

  2. You always find the best most fun things to do. I need to start being more like you!
