Monday, August 5, 2013

MVP - Most Valuable Puppy!

For the second year George and I volunteered at Guide Dogs for the Blind's annual "Puppy Fun Days".  The day is exactly what the name implies; a fun day to honor the puppies and their raisers!  The theme this year was "MVP- Most Valuable Pup".
Each department developed a game that could be modified for the visually impaired.  "Labrador Lanes" was the name of the blindfolded bowling activity that the vet clinic organized.  George was one of the pin setters and also had the noise maker that helped the blindfolded participants aim.  The comment from almost every participant, "It is a lot harder than it looks."
These two cute puppy raisers really got into the theme with their "Oregon State Beavers' clad puppy!  She didn't seem to mind at all! I admire the puppy raisers so much.  They receive a squirmy, untrained puppy, spend more than a year turning that pup into a socialized, well mannered, obedient dog and then return that wonderful dog to Guide Dogs.  
 The definite highlight of the day was the puppy delivery as a new group of raisers received their adorable little pups!
One woman has raised over 20 puppies.  She started as a teenager and now has involved her husband and young children.

There was also a graduation.  The puppy raiser hands the leash of the now fully trained guide dog to the new visually impaired owner.   There are tears all around as you see the culmination of the work of the raisers and also the staff at Guide Dogs who have spent several months finishing the training of the dog and orientating new owner and dog.

It was an exhausting day for puppies and people!

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