Sunday, February 16, 2014


For Christmas George's sister Karen gave us each a Ancestry DNA test.  I wasn't too surprised at my results:

I am 38% Irish.  My mother was a Boyle and her family came from Tralee, County Kerry.  She even had an Uncle called Paddy!  Can't get much more Irish than that!  I've moved a trip to Ireland way up on my bucket list!
23% Great Britain. Does this explain my fascination with the British Royal family!
15% Western Europe I have a German line that I'm just learning about…the Gross family….or possibly Grosse!  My maiden name was Montgomery and I know that there were Norman knights named "Montgomerie"; not that I can link to any knights….I can't get the Montgomery family past my great-grandfather who said that he was born in a different state and in a different year every single time he filled out a document or completed a census.

I was surprised by my 13% Scandinavian.  I did love Norway and Sweden and I like to shop at Ikea! Oh and I love DAIM chocolate candy bars but I can't stand pickled herring and sour cream. And I most definitely don't have any seafaring blood!

7% Italy/Greece I haven't been to Greece but I absolutely love Italy.  What's not to love?  Great scenery, fantastic food, art, architecture and the best gelato in the world!!!!  
1% Iberian peninsula I just knew I had some Catalan blood….I am confident that my DNA is all from Barcelona and most certainly not Madrid! Independence for Catalunya!!! 
 Visca Barca!

This cemetery is next to FC Barcelona's stadium.  I told my kids that I want to be buried there.  Some people want to be buried in the Kidron Valley in Jerusalem and some near the temple in Salt Lake….bury me in the shadow of the Camp Nou! (For my family that is reading this….I am joking!)  I feel like I have more than 1% Iberian Peninsula DNA….I know I left a part of my heart in Barcelona!
1% Finland and Eastern Russian Don't even know what to say about that!!!! Perhaps somewhere deep down I have a desire to try this…...
Last I have less than 1% Eastern Europe and less than 1% Caucasus.  Maybe some of these people are my ancestors! See any family resemblance???

1 comment:

  1. You are so awesome. Love this post and who you are :-)
