Saturday, July 6, 2024

End of an Era

One of the many blessings of our years in Portland was meeting Rinda and Brent Hayes, the founders of Kenya Keys.  I can honestly say that meeting them changed our lives.

Never did I dream that I would fall in love with a small community in rural Kenya. Or that we would receive new names in a tribal language - I'm Mupa which means 'cheerful giver' and George is Ngao 'a protector'.  What a pleasure it has been to watch the 3 young men that we have been blessed to sponsor as they received university degrees!  Two are married with babies now.  It is a bit like having 3 bonus sons. I've been able to go to Kenya 7 times so that I have friends there, people that I have learned to love.  One of these friends is Abdalla who has taught me to respect his beloved religion of Islam.  Every single Easter he sends me a greeting to wish me a blessed Easter season.  I try to remember to send him an Eid greeting as well.  I have learned to forget myself and laugh with the adorable little children, including the special needs school children.  I've learned the joys and also the frustrations of working with people of a different culture who live on the other side of the world. I've shared my love of books and my love of soccer.  I am a different person with new skills, new friends, and new understandings.

The motto of Kenya Keys is 'Unlocking Potential'.  My association with this organization has unlocked some of my potential and I am grateful.

For the last 18 years Rinda and Brent have had homes in both Oregon and Salt Lake, traveling between the two places regularly

Since we are a good half-way spot on the 11 hour drive, they often stop to have lunch with us.  In September they will move permanently to Salt Lake.  Today they stopped for lunch for probably the last time.  I will miss those regular lunch, catch-up times.  I know we will still get together, it will just take more effort.

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