Saturday, July 6, 2024

July 6

 Another good day today!

At church I have been asked to work with the 8 - 11 year old girls as their 'Activity Days Leader'.  It is a calling that I have wanted for a LONG time so I am thrilled.  We plan 2 fun activities each month.  Because we are going on a hike in July, I thought it was prudent to check out the suggested trail before taking a group of young girls, so George and I took a test hike this morning.

We started at a big subdivision in the foothills and followed what we 'thought' was the trail up the hill for awhile.  With record heat this week in Boise, it was not an easy mile.  Plus the trail is frequently used by mountain bikers so there is a rut that made it hard to walk.  I am so glad we did this test run and yes, we did find the real trail.  It is by a creek so there is a bit of shade.  Very 'kid friendly'.

The hot and dusty part of the trail.

And down at the cooler, shady section. 
Twisty Creek
Cat Tails on the creek

A pretty Sagebrush Mariposa-there is beauty in the hot dry section.

Taking these girls on a hike reminded me of years ago when I took a group of cub scouts on a hike in Hulls Gulch, also close to Boise.  I was the only adult which is a big NO NO! I am pretty sure that I have never disobeyed the 'two deep' leadership rule again.

 The boys were having a great time climbing on the rocks by the trail edge when I heard a shocking sound.  From under one of those rocks came a rather loud rattling.  Yep, my worst fear!  There was a rattle snake coiled under the rock that one of scouts happened to be standing on.
I got all the boys on the trail with strict warnings to stay off the rocks.  I didn't have to ask twice.  The really scary part was that we saw lots of rattlesnakes.  Some crossing the trail, some going down the trail and others under and on rocks.  I definitely should have read the sign at the beginning of the trail which warns, "Hulls Gulch is home to many rattlesnakes".
No kidding! 

Lessons learned:
Read the warning signs
Check out the trail first.
Two deep leadership is best
Stay ON the trail.

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