Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sun in January!

I do love living here except for the seemingly endless gray gloomy days of January. So we were happy to have the excuse of our nephew David's wedding in Phoenix to escape to the sunshine for a few days.
Somehow flowers and sunshine and 70 degrees don't seem quite right in January but we really did enjoy it!

David & Melissa seem to be so happy together. I enjoyed getting to know her family too. They were married by a minister friend that David met on his mission. He flew from Maine to Phoenix to officiate at their wedding.
Always fun to get together with George's siblings!

George, Karen, Tammy & John
Plus me, Richard, and Katherine!

Since I've been working on this post the sun has come out and it is a beautiful sunny day here too! Not 70 degrees however!


  1. In China we'd call a day like today "Lan tian bai yun"..."blue sky white clouds"...a special name for something you don't see very often in Shanghai, right?! Loved that it was one of those days today. And loved the sunny pictures of the wedding. She is such a pretty bride. Where was the wedding? It looks like a fancy-schmancy resort! (Next time take me with you!!)

  2. I love the SUN in your pictures! You look GREAT! Miss you.

  3. Tami, the wedding was at their neighborhood club house! It does look like a resort and a 'fancy-schmancy' one at that! Jan, I heard that SL has the worst air quality in the country. It looked pretty bad when we flew through there.

  4. I'm glad you had some fun in the SUN! POSH neighborhood! Yes breathing the CHUNKY air here is no fun! Good we have a treadmill in the building.
