Sunday, August 7, 2011

Birthday Celebration Part 2

Friday we drove down to Ashland to the famous "Oregon Shakespeare Festival" to see "Love's Labor Lost". Confession time here! I always think I SHOULD like Shakespeare. I'm an educated person with a college degree and an avid reader. But I will have to admit that for the first ten or fifteen minutes of any Shakespeare play, I sit there listening, totally confused. They could be speaking Chinese for all I'm following the storyline. Then my brain shifts into 16th century English mode and I start enjoying it. I laugh when other people laugh and I know why they are laughing. I understand what is going least most of the time!

I had a bit of help this time as I had read the synopsis of the play beforehand. Good thing because there was all kinds of confusion from disguises to mis-delivered love letters! Pretty typical Shakespeare! I love the comment in the playbill about "Love's Labor Lost", "At the center of this play lies the question of balance: How do we allow access to both our heads and our hearts? This is journey that begins as we enter into adulthood and a challenge that remains with us for a lifetime."

Beautiful Elizabethan theatre! Here they are preparing for "Pirates of Penzance" which was being performed that evening.
A totally different night from the Portland Timbers and LA Galaxy game! But equally enjoyable!

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