Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 - I Remember

I remember that morning ten years ago today. Normally we didn't watch TV before school but that morning Johnny happened to turn it on so that he could set the VCR to tape a soccer game that was gong to be on later in the day. He came into the kitchen and told me to turn on the TV. I did and I remember feeling confused at what I saw on the screen. He had to explain to me that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. The TV anchors didn't seem to know what was happening either, until that second plane hit. Then we knew we were under attack. I stayed glued to the TV all day and watched in horror as the towers fell. I listened as the reporters talked of thousands of deaths but also reported the lines of New Yorkers around the Red Cross Centers waiting to give blood. They spoke of off-duty firemen, policemen, nurses and doctors rushing to the scene to help. Strangers embraced strangers. Help and offers of help came in from all over the world! The TV anchors referred to our 'common humanity' but the thought came to me that actually it was our 'common divinity'. This song by Janice Kapp Perry came to my mind on September 11, 2001. It came into my mind again today. We do have a divine nature. We are children of God. I'm thankful for that knowledge and I will never forget.

My Nature is Divine

Why is it when I hear a baby cry
My arms reach out in love I can't deny?
Why is it when I see my neighbors need
My heart is touched to do a kindly deed?
Why is it when I see someone alone
My instinct is to share the love I've known?
Why is it when I sing a hymn of praise
My spirit yearns to follow in His ways?

Could it be
Oh could it be a sign
that deep within
this simple soul of mine
I sense by some miraculous design
My nature is divine?

Why is it when I touch a fevered brow
I know that I must give relief somehow?
Why is it when I see someone with less
I'm urged within to share my goods and bless?
Why is it when I see a soul in sin
I long to share the light I have within
Why is it that a joy beyond compare
Distills upon me when I kneel in prayer?

Oh could it be a sign
that deep within
This simple soul of mine
I sense by some miraculous design
My nature is divine?

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