Monday, April 20, 2020

One 'Stay At Home' Month

It was exactly one month ago today that George and I returned from our trip to Dubai and started the 14 days of self-quarantine recommended by the CDC in O'Hare in Chicago.  A few days later our governor also issued a stay at home proclamation to match the Federal 
15 Days to Stop the Spread.

In the last month I've been out to get a Fred Meyer grocery pick up three times and we've gotten restaurant meals from curbside service 3 times. 

 I have never loved the beautiful walking paths in our subdivision more than I have this last month!  We have been able to go on walks almost every evening.  Sometimes during the day, I go for a walk by myself and listen to podcasts.  My latest theme is Ireland.  I'm dreaming of a trip to the Emerald Isle and making my list of things to do.

What else have I been doing?  Well the baking continues.  I think I found the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe.  I've made cherry pie and baked bread.  I even made homemade noodles to go with our stroganoff. 
Delicious and very easy to make homemade noodles. 
I've finished my Blog Books for the last 3 years!  And I've started going through my old journals and redacting information that is too personal for my children to read.
With Matt's help, I've been working in the yard.  He very happily chopped down this bush that had gotten huge and had big thorns. I've been raking and trimming and thinking of what plants to add.
It was so much fun to have a Zoom Book Club with my Portland Book Bunch.  These ladies are just great.  At the end we each shared something we had learned from Pandemic 2020.  My favorite was Robin who said that she had learned that 4 squares of TP is sufficient!
I've even ironed my old Barbie clothes that have been sitting in a box for more than 50 years.  I never iron..  Amazing what a Grandma will do for the love of a cute little 4 year old.
Now I am mending those clothes and sewing on teeny, tiny little snaps....again I never sew.  Isabella is going to be so happy! 
We had 'Zoom' Church and heard two fantastic missionary reports.  I miss going to church although 'home church' is pretty wonderful.
It is definitely spring as the goose and duck families are everywhere.
Can you see the heron?  He looks almost like a statue as he 'fishes' in the pond.

I started reading Wuthering Heights.  I read it in high school but that was a few years ago.  It is quite a story. 
 I've organized every closet and drawer.  The donation places like Goodwill are going to be inundated with stuff when this is over.  

We have a family challenge to walk or run 50 miles before May 13.  Now I need to figure out how to make appropriate 'Coronavirus Pandemic' medals.  

So far, I'm not feeling stir crazy!  I'm really glad that we aren't still living in the tiny little apartment in Lake Oswego.  I have a lot of projects to do here in this house.  I'm also glad that we aren't stuck inside in the winter when it is dark and dreary.

Favorite Memes of the week

I think the end is in sight for at least a soft opening up most of the country in early May.  I've been reading all the pros and cons  of opening and not opening.  I'm just glad that I don't have to make this decision which is truly life and death for so many.

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