Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Under Orders to STAY AT HOME

That's what I am trying to do!  Not worry and be happy!  

With so much uncertainty and panic in the world, I'm limiting my exposure to negative posts on social media and not paying a lot of attention to the news.  All I can do is take care of myself and my family.  It does me no good to worry.  This old but still very relevant quote has been almost constantly in my mind. 
That said, I don't intend this to be any kind of philosophical post but just a snapshot as to how I've been spending my days at home.  We returned from our trip to Dubai on March 20th and were asked to do a self quarantine for 14 days.  On March 25th,  Idaho Governor Little imposed a Statewide Stay At Home Order.   Since the 20th I've been to Fred Meyer twice to pick up our on-line grocery orders and once to Cafe Rio for a curbside pick up. (Which was delicious, by the way!)

George and I do go on walks almost every evening.  Because his company is considered essential, he has gone to work a few times for meetings but he is mostly working from home.  His company is enforcing strict social distancing and checking everyone's temperature as they come into the building.  We still have our N-95 mask that Fun For Less Tour Company gave us when we were in Dubai so we  have worn those on those 3 trips out.  We don't wear them on our neighborhood walks.  I find it quite amusing to see how everyone crosses the road or goes into the grass rather than walk near anyone else.  Amusing but necessary for sure.  Because we are older, we are in the group that is most at risk so we aren't taking chances.

So what am I doing to keep busy....well baking.  I've made cookies and bagels 
And bread!

I believe that this will be true for me... 
George and I have had a little friendly competition with a  Quarantingo game.  The winner will get to pick where we go out to eat when restaurants open again.  It is definitely a win-win.
I made another one for our family but it must have been a 'girl game' as only Monica, Mary and I have participated.

I've listened to my first podcasts.  Totally enjoyed learning about Ireland so much that I'm planning a trip there someday!
I've done some 'on-line' tours of art museums including a really fun interactive one of the Dali Museum near Barcelona.  I 'virtually' walked around London and found some pretty amazing street art, including this one by Banksy.
Never knew how valuable these Lysol wipes would be. 
I've done my best to keep things sanitized.
Totally disinfected and organized my refrigerator.
Put a bear in the window so that the neighborhood children could go on 'bear hunts'.
Speaking of the neighborhood children....cute Emma wrote notes on the sidewalks outside each house.
Are you as shocked as I am about how much you touch your face?
Had a 'through the door' visit with Isabella
Best of all, she calls me every night and we FaceTime so that I can read her a story.  I just love this so much.  I hope we continue after things return to 'normal'.

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