Saturday, February 21, 2009

Officer, Officer!!!

My mother gave me a subscription to my weekly hometown paper. It has been so fun to follow the High School sports teams (the Jackrabbits) and read the news in this little town that I love.  I did get a laugh over one thing I read in the "police report" this week.  The names have been changed to protect the "not so innocent" but the ages are correct just so you'll know these weren't clueless teenagers or 20 year olds.

"Officers were dispatched to West Academy Street because officers were told that Tom Johnson, 46, called the Police Department and stated that his brother stole his marijuana.  Tom's brother, William Jones, 50 stated he did not take any marijuana from Tom.  Tom stated that the last time he saw the marijuana it was in William's room.  The police officers asked William if he had any illegal substances in his room and he said no and that they could search his room.  The police did not find anything illegal and told the brothers that it is against the law to have marijuana."

Doesn't Jay Leno have a "dumb criminals" segment?  I think this qualifies! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh brother...dumb criminals indeed! Hey, were your ears burning tonight? Larson's invited us over for dinner and we talked about getting back to Boise and seeing/meeting YOU. They talked so highly of you. :) Also love the new look of your blog. That visitor map is fun. (For some reason I don't show up as an asian visitor...hmmmm...)
