Sunday, April 26, 2009

Regional Dance Festival

Yesterday the youth ages 14 - 18 in our Region participated in a Dance Festival.  For 3 months most of our Wednesday night activities have been spent learning the dances.  Our church is divided into Wards, Stakes and Regions.  Each encompasses a geographical area.  A ward has around 450 members, a Stake somewhere around 5000, and a Region is composed of 6 or 7 Stakes.  Our stake had several hundred youth dancing so there must have been more than a thousand young people out on the floor of the Boise State basketball arena dressed in bright costumes enthusiastically rocking out to "Can't Stop the Beat" from Hairspray.    Our stake did a Tango...other stakes did everything from the Swing to Cha cha to Salsa.  What fun!

The theme of the night was, "Be thou an example of the Believers and Dance to a Different Beat."  Before the closing prayer they sang a beautiful song called, "Holding Hands Around the World."  One phrase just stuck out to me and described the scene of those more than a thousand youth standing and singing together, "We are children glowing with the gospel light.  Standing tall, walking strong, choosing right."


  1. I love Dance Festivals! What a blessing to your Stake to participate in one. You have beautiful YW in your ward. I'm so glad you get to serve with the YW. You are perfect for them.

  2. You alway leave me such wonderful positive comments. Thanks.

  3. Randy and I spent the day and night (11:00 am-9:00 pm) ushering the kids onto the floor in the correct order and on time from Lobby #3. I was kind of dreading the day, thinking I would be totally worn out and bored, but it was really a lot of fun.
