Monday, June 8, 2009

Do I have to love a flood?

This is getting ridiculous!  When I said my motto for 2009 was going to be "come what may and love it", I was thinking that just the normal problems of life would come....not death and unemployment and floods!  

We were at a friend's house for games on Saturday when we got a frantic call from Scott.  Our downstairs patio was flooding the basement.  We had a torrential downpour and the drainage system that had worked perfectly well for the last 9 years didn't do the job and water was pouring into the house.   The carpet was soaked in one area despite the heroic efforts of Scott & Matt. So today we have a disaster clean up crew at our house.  It could have been worse because none of the furniture was affected.  Just the carpet and the baseboards.  I do love that part!

Notice the lovely holes bored into the wall behind the baseboards.

We have to have these huge "air movers' not fans going for 3 full days and nights.  It sounds like we are living on an airport runway!  Oh well...come what may!


  1. I'm so sorry!!! Will insurance pay? Could I say when it rains it pours or would that be bad. Come what may and try to love it and be grateful for big loud air movers! You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Mariln, you've got to be kidding me! This is quite a test to see if you really will love whatever is thrown at you. May I just say that I think you're doing an admirable job. Phoenix 200 Max sounds like something straight out of a Harry Potter movie!

  3. I'm glad my pool stick wasn't ruined!
