Friday, July 3, 2009

An afternoon at Black Canyon

Having Johnny home from Salt Lake for a week has been so fun! Yesterday we went to Black Canyon with the boat. George gave the boys an exciting ride in the tube.

I like their intent, tooth prominent, expressions. They look quite a bit alike.!

Three of my handsome boys! I guess I should call them men. When we were hiking last weekend I asked some people we met on the trail if they had seen our two 'boys' hiking with a black dog. They looked kind of confused until I said, "Well not really boys, young men". Then they remembered them. To me they'll always be my boys!

Since Johnny tells me that my blog has a bird theme, here is one of the Clark's Grebes whose diving antics we enjoyed watching all afternoon.


  1. You've got a lot of handsome 'boys' in your life, don't you?! You sure can tell they come from the same family. :) Black Canyon looks great!

  2. It looks like you are having a great time with your boys! I'm glad you finally got a picture of the hummingbirds. I'm still waitung for mine to come to my feeder.
