Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day #29 New Moon

My friend and I drove down to Utah to see "New Moon" at midnight with her adult daughters. The verdict
  • 10 hours in the car with non stop converstion solving all the problems of the world, country, ward and our families, if people would only listen to us - Terrific
  • spending time with Anne's girls and grandchildren - Priceless
  • experiencing the cultural phenomena of seeing women my age in 'Team Edward" or "Team Jacob" shirts....or my personal favorite, a shirt with "OCD - Obsessive Cullen Disorder" - Amazing
  • listening to the squeals and screams as each star appears on the screen - Fun
  • the movie itself - Cheesy, sophomoric, & at times boring!!
  • the best part of the movie - Alice
I'm sure I have offended half of the world...sorry! I want a shirt that says, "Team Mike! Let's hear it for NORMAL!"

Will I see #3 Eclipse? Probably. Will I see it at midnight? Probably not! Harry Potter is worth loosing sleep, The Twilight series, not so much!


  1. Great girl time! Yours is the first review of New Moon I've heard. Still deciding whether or not I'll see it...maybe next summer in the dollar theatre? Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend!!

  2. that's classic, I love that you drove down to Utah - and I'm glad you came to same conclusions I did about the movie - the people at the theater were much more entertaining than the movie! erin
    ps -and your comment made my day, so,so nice, especially on a feeling ugly day:) thanks!
