Sunday, December 26, 2010

All I want for Christmas....

I told my family that I wanted three things for Christmas:

#1 everyone to cheerfully make Christmas ornaments....

Success!!! And they are perfect memories of our beach Christmas!

#2 A bon fire on the beach

We actually did this twice and were reminded that campfires 'warm the cockles of your heart." There is just nothing like enjoying a big bright fire while sitting on a sandy log listening to the sounds of the ocean!

#3 A Nertz tournament
Even though some of the guys don't really like card games they played and were good sports. If I had won it would have been perfect (and a Christmas miracle) but George won every game no matter who his partner was!

Merry Christmas to me!


  1. What a great idea for a Christmas wish list! I'm glad all your family members participated (especially with the 'cheerfully' requirement! :))

  2. How FUN!!! It looks like a wonderful Christmas. I loved your Christmas wish list. But may you should have had #4 A BIG DIAMOND!!! Loved all the pictures.
