Sunday, December 19, 2010

White Elephants

Almost two years ago I did this post about 'White Elephant" gift exchanges.

Last night I went to a church 'White Elephant" gift exchange and received a true 'white elephant' in the best (or worst) sense of the term! What do you think of this piece of original ART??????
Does turning it this way help?
Not so much! This will definitely make an appearance at another one of these gift exchanges! Oh and by the way it is 28 inches by 14 inches, not exactly a small size. If anyone has a blank wall that is just crying for modern 'art' I might be convinced to part with it!


  1. Ha thats a great white elephant gift!

  2. FUN! Great gift for next time you have a gift exchange. You need to find a place to hang it to keep it SAFE for next year.
