Sunday, June 24, 2012

Me encanta ver el templo

 During my years in Spain I led the music for the Primary, our church's program for 3 - 12 year olds.  I remember standing in front of those kids singing"Me encanta ver el temple; un dia ir podré" which means "I love to see the temple; I'm going there someday".   I never dreamed that years later I'd get to go to the temple with a couple of those great kids but that is just what happened last week when George and I went to Salt Lake to attend the wedding of Canaán.  Her sister Judea is serving a mission on Temple Square so she also got to attend and their Mom Isabel came from Barcelona. I just couldn't stop smiling!
We also went to my cousin Doug's son Sam's wedding reception so I got to spend time with my family on the Boyle side.  I love them all and was so happy to see them!  That is my aunt Dawn, cousin Scott, his wife Cassie, daughter Trisdan, and 5 of the grandchildren.  I wish we could see each other more often. 


  1. How cool! How about Espana en the Euro 2012!!! I bet your family is stoked.

    By the way, after a year and half in Bountiful, we are headed back to the Boise area. I'm joining my dad in the family home building business and we plan to put down long-term roots...finally.
