We have two visitors. Johnny and Tad!!! It's always great to have one of our sons here even if I find all kinds of new games and apps on my phone and I-pad after John leaves!
Tad is our 4th foster dog. First we had sweet Jordana. She was like having a favorite aunt in our home - loveable and affectionate! Then we had Howie. He was more like entertaining your 96 year old Grandpa - calm and slow would be the words to describe life with Howie. Next was Stan, a puppy full of enthusiasm. Having Stan at our home was like babysitting an active 2 year old. And since he was supposed to be 'resting' it was like trying to keep that 2 year old on bed rest! Now we have Tad who is an active guide dog. Tad qualifies as a perfect dog! He is super obedient, highly intelligent and also lots of fun. This guy even sleeps in! He loves to go on walks and he also plays hide and seek with us. I will tell him to sit and stay and then go hide somewhere in the house. When I yell, "OK Tad" he races around until he finds me and then is wildly excited. Very entertaining! I absolutely love having these foster dogs.
Tad is our 4th foster dog. First we had sweet Jordana. She was like having a favorite aunt in our home - loveable and affectionate! Then we had Howie. He was more like entertaining your 96 year old Grandpa - calm and slow would be the words to describe life with Howie. Next was Stan, a puppy full of enthusiasm. Having Stan at our home was like babysitting an active 2 year old. And since he was supposed to be 'resting' it was like trying to keep that 2 year old on bed rest! Now we have Tad who is an active guide dog. Tad qualifies as a perfect dog! He is super obedient, highly intelligent and also lots of fun. This guy even sleeps in! He loves to go on walks and he also plays hide and seek with us. I will tell him to sit and stay and then go hide somewhere in the house. When I yell, "OK Tad" he races around until he finds me and then is wildly excited. Very entertaining! I absolutely love having these foster dogs.