Tuesday, January 1, 2013

December 29 - Movies

This must be a record for us!  We have seen three movies in one week. First we saw the "Hobbit".  I loved it!  If you didn't like The Lord of the Rings you won't like this movie either.  I thought it was great fun! Bilbo Baggins has to be one of the best characters ever! He is brave and loyal and smart and adventurous and funny and compassionate!  There is a lot to admire in his character. Well worth the almost 3 hours!

"Les Misérables" is a beautiful movie.  Granted several of the voices are not broadway quality but really who's going to complain while looking at Hugh Jackman and Russell Crow!  There is some raunchy stuff so if you don't want to see that go get some popcorn when they go to the Thénariers Inn!  Be warned though! That means will you will miss the scene stealing performances of Helen Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen. They are delightfully evil!  I just watched her in The King's Speech again and find it hard to believe it is the same woman!

The last one we saw was "Jack Reacher".  I was expecting 'Mission Impossible' but it was actually more of a murder mystery.  Horribly violent and I admit to closing my eyes during some of the scenes.  Entertaining but unless you love Tom Cruise I'd wait until it comes out in video.  Just so you know, it is perfectly set up for a sequel!


  1. Sounds like fun! We want to go see the Hobbit :)

  2. Haven't seen any of them yet. Thanks for the heads up in those couple places. As we were watching Tom Cruse in the last Mission Impossible we were amazed that he was still strong (and yummy) and doing so much physical acting. He's aging well! (Unlike some of us at my house...) :D
