Thursday, June 13, 2013


My interest and love of birds is in my genes.  When my great-grandmother, Lelia Grace Witherspoon Webster, died the local paper in addition to her obituary, published the following article:

 "After Mrs. Webster, who for years had fed the birds in the winter and who begged her daughters to fed them, was confined to her bed, a cardinal flew to a limb near her window and sang the entire time.  All were touched by the stirring song.  This incident caused her friend E B Robinson to write the following poem: (I've included only a part of the rather long poem)

Feed them daughter for they can not find
beneath the winter's snow the food they need.
Now I am so old I can not find my way
to reach the place they used to feed.
I hear them chirping on my window sill
So gentle they would eat out of my hand
And when I'm gone they'll warm the winter's chill
And cheer your hearts with songs of edenland."

My mother also loved to feed and watch the birds.  Interestingly when we left the church after Momma's funeral a cardinal was singing!

One of my delights in Africa was seeing some really amazing birds.  I'm sure my mother and Great Grandma Webster were equally thrilled!

Black Oyster Catcher
 Red billed Ox pecker -  I think he should be called a 'black winged ear-picker'!
 African Jacana
 African Openbill
 Yellow Billed Horn Bill - our as our guide called them 'flying bananas' Notice the thorns on that tree!!!
Lilac Breasted Roller
 Common sandpiper
 White backed Vultures
 African Fish Eagle
 Pied Kingfisher         White fronted Bea-eater
Scarlett-chested Sunbird

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