Sunday, June 30, 2013


 One of my friends told me that when her husband goes out of town on business she makes plans like 'take a flying lesson' or 'go to the Grand Canyon'.  When George leaves I think of things like trips to the Container Store and the Scrapbooking Store and what movies can I watch!  I guess I am just boring!  But this week I have caught up on my scrapbooking and I managed to organize my office closet.  On Friday it looked like this:
And after only two trips to the Container Store it looked like this, organized and labeled.
I'm excited and hoping the labels will help me keep it looking like this!

My next project is to do something with this box of photos.  They are from my mother's house and have been sitting in this box for at least 4 years.  I sorted them last night and there are pictures from my mother's childhood, my childhood and of my own children.  Should be a fun project for this week! Hope I can get it done before George comes home!


  1. Your closet looks wonderful! It was a great use of time. Much better than a flying lesson or trip to the Grand Canyon. I bet your friend didn't do those two exciting things. I bet she cleaned every drawer, cupboard, closet, nook and cranny in her home.

  2. I thought my 'friend' always had perfectly clean drawers, cupboards, closets and nooks and crannies!!!! That is how my 'friend' is...pretty perfect in every way!
