Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Story Time

One of the activities I was most looking forward to after our move back to Eagle was taking Isabella to story time!  We've made it a weekly activity and all 3 of us seem to enjoy the outing.  At first Isabella was not sure if she really wanted to listen to the stories or sing when there were lots of toys in other areas of the library but she is finally starting to get the hang of it and sometimes listens and participates.  I love the attitude of the librarian who says, "The most important thing is that she enjoys coming to the library."  And she does, even if she doesn't sit and listen to every story!
Sometimes Isabella is interested in the books. 
And sometimes Isabella loves the songs!
This librarian has a sweet way of interacting with our strong willed little girl!  Here they are trying to decide on a song that Isabella DOES want to sing.  Most of the ones suggested she was adamant that she did not want to sing.  She has a mind of her own! 
A favorite is picking out books to take home.  Although 'going home' is not popular.  After our very first story time, I needed to go to Costco so Monica and Isabella went with me.  Now she thinks we should go to Costco for pizza after every story time.  Her memory is amazing!  As we leave she always says, "Goodbye Library.  See you tomorrow." 

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