Wednesday, July 12, 2017


We hit the jackpot with lion sightings this time in Tsavo!
FYI - Lions in Tsavo don't have the large manes normally associated with big males.  Remember the movie "Out of Africa"? Well when Denys Finch Hatton's (the Robert Redford character) plane crashes, he is on his way to Tsavo National Park!
The very first night we spotted these two, all stretched out in plain view!
Thrilling to see them so close to the van and not hiding in the brush! 
While spotting lions is exciting, watching them is less so since they sleep for 20 hours a day!  This pair spent most of the hour we watched them like this.... 
It was so exciting when one rolled over and put her paw across her buddy's face!
Then she actually STOOD UP! We were thrilled...was she going after one of the zebras at  
the nearby water hole?  Or possibly coming over to inspect our van?  Or was she just upset at the paw in the face?!  She just walked a few yards away and answered a 'call of nature'!
And as soon as she was done she walked back and continued her nap!
The next day we were lucky to see MORE lions.  First we noticed this old fellow resting under a bush.  He did not look well and was struggling to breath.

Our guide, Mbotte told us that this particular pride of lions specializes in giraffe hunting.  A few months ago one of the giraffe kicked this old fellow and gave his severe injuries.  The rest of the pride has been allowing him to eat their kills even when he can't help with the hunt.  The have kept him alive as he healed.  The consensus is that since he survived this long he will probably be ok.
I was so happy when he stood up and ambled across to where his friends were napping. It is obvious that he is not in good shape. 
Now there were three lions napping under the tree! 

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