Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Safari at Tsavo

Here is our Kenya Keys intern group plus two awesome drivers all ready to enter Tsavo East National Park for our safari. 
People who know me know how much I love birds!  Seeing exotic birds on a safari in Kenya is just a dream come true!  I wasn't the only one in the group who felt that way.  Our drivers often forgot that Zach could understand Swahili.  He overheard them saying, "All my group wants to do is to look at birds!"  Well the birds are just amazing!
Even the bird nests are amazing! 
Some are huge! 
Red and Yellow Barbet 
Yellow-billed Horn Bill...we saw a lot of these! 
Here is another one!
 Lilac Breasted Roller 
Little Bee Eater  
 Crested Francolin 
I need bird photography lessons!  They are small and fast and don't hold my camera often wants to focus on the branches instead of the bird.  I hope I get more chances to photograph amazing birds.

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