Thursday, June 14, 2018

Best Friend

Our sweet 'granddog' just went to heaven.  Scott shared these words on Facebook: “People let me tell you ‘bout my best friend...'.  Thank you so much for the wonderful memories Jackson! Now you can chase balls as long as you want in dog heaven!" Jackson came into our lives 12 years ago when Scott moved into an apartment with his friend Justin whose girlfriend had just given him this cute little puppy.  Jackson lived with them until Justin decided to move to Hawaii and couldn't take his dog.  For awhile Jackson lived with Justin's parents but in May of 2010 he came to our house for a visit and has stayed for 8 years.
    I love Jackson because of all he meant to our sons.  I believe that Scott and Matt both learned unconditional, unselfish love as they took care of Jackson.  When Scott moved to Portland, Jackson came too and enjoyed living in a house with 3 young men and 2 young dogs for a couple of months!  He was definitely the 'old man' of the group but still participated in puppy play time enthusiastically.  When Scott decided to move into an apartment, he very unselfishly asked Matt to keep Jackson at our house in Eagle.  The stairs and close quarters in the apartment would have been difficult for 'Geriatric Johnson' as Matt lovingly called him.  Scott was thinking only of what was best for the dog he loved so much and missed every day. Matt loved and took care of Jackson these last months, taking him to the pet store and allowing him to pick out his own favorite toy to take home, buying expensive dog food, and loving that boy every day.  It was Matt who sat with him during his last hours while we waited to talk to Scott before a final decision was made. 
There are so many things to remember about our boy Jack - 
First of all he was absolutely ball crazy! 
That boy would chase a ball for hours and hours.  It didn't matter if another dog was around, Jackson was totally focused on his ball even when another dog got 'real friendly'! 
His love of fetching could be transferred to a frisbee.  He was a skilled catcher, leaping into the air to our delight and seldom missing! 
Sticks were fun too!  Jackson just loved having something in his mouth.
He loved his comfy bed. 
And he adored walks on the beach 
Baths were not high on his list of favorites things!
He didn't much like his yellow rain slicker, even though I thought he looked very 'Oregon-ish'! 
Most of all he loved his 'boys'.   
Those boys were always good for a game of tug-of war! 
Or maybe one of them would throw a stick... 
 Sometimes they used a magical machine to make the ball go a long way! 
Our sons taught him to balance a ball or a dog treat on his nose ....another of Jackson's talents!  Maybe not his favorite game but he tolerated it!
Plus boys were the best for snuggling down for a nap!

I am so thankful that I live in a world blessed with dogs!  And I'm glad our sons' lives (and our lives too)  have been blessed by this particular 4 legged mutt!  

This little song has always touched my heart.  It certainly describes our boy Jack, Jack Sprat, Samuel L Jackson, Sir Turd Burlington, Faxsoms, Stink Puss Johnson.....our much loved

  Jackson Lewis

I look up and I see God, I look down and see my dog.
Simple spelling G O D, same word backwards, D O G.

They would stay with me all day. I’m the one who walks away.

But both of them just wait for me, and dance at my return with glee.

Both love me no matter what – divine God and canine mutt.

I take it hard each time I fail, but God forgives, dog wags his tail.

God thought up and made the dog, dog reflects a part of God.

I’ve seen love from both sides now, it’s everywhere, amen, bow wow.

I look up and I see God, I look down and see my dog.

And in my human frailty…I can’t match their love for me.

1 comment:

  1. Jackson is such a wonderful dog and sorry for your loss. I can remember my dog from him. He was just like him except the bath part. He loves taking a splash. He just crossed the rainbow bridge recently and I had his body at pet cremation houston tx. I am really sad and trying to cope with his loss but I am really glad that he has been a part of my life and I hope he felt the same way too.
